Friday, 15 June 2012

Anjem Choudary: Overthrowing non-islamic regimes is my fulltime job’ – interview with belgian news magazine

Posted on by Eeyore

From Belgian News mag…


Translated by Michael Laudahn (With thanks)

From London, british moslem extremist Anjem Choudari continues constructing his Global Sharia Movement, with affiliates such as Sharia4Belgium and Sharia4Holland. ‘We must dominate the entire world’, he admits without batting an eye. 

‘However, I am not a Dr No. Not that I share the ideals of honorable organisations just like Al-Qaeda, neither that I pull at all the wires’, says Choudari this week in an interview with [the paper edition of] Knack [belgian dutch-language weekly for Flanders].
Several [online] excerpts 

‘The Global Sharia Movement exists, just as so many other movements like Al-Qaida, the taliban or Al-Shabaab, who all are partisans of the same philosophy. The reason that I am sitting also behind all the other movements is not because we foster the same ideas. The unique thing about islam is that there are no different versions of it. Al-Qaeda is a noble organisation also appealing to sharia and a return to the roots of islam. Because I am living under a ‘security covenant’, I am not allowed to procede here to ‘a 9/11′ or ‘a 7/7′ (the attacks against the New York Word Trade Center and the London underground, editor [Knack]). The moslems of Sudan, Afghanistan or Irak are sitting in the middle of a war situation. In a war, men kill each other. Today’s operations are resistance acts against the occupiers.’

‘The moslems’ goal is clearly written in the koran, chapter 9, verse 33. We *must* dominate the entire world, if you like it or not. Islam is the divine law explaining us how man must worship his creator. We believe that islam is for humanity and for society. If you believe in something noble, then it is normal that you wish to share it with the society in which you live? Why can’t we proclaim the pure worshipping of god, just as others may overtly propagate homosexuality and the drug and alcohol culture?’

‘There is no freedom in Belgium, because there are a number of man-made laws, among which hate laws which they now apply against Sharia4Belgium. We would like to enter a debate with people, but the british, dutch and belgian authorities do not permit it. They want to ban us, lable us as terrorists and create a tense and hostile situation where it is self-evident that moslems will react. We simply want to survive and practise our religion. It is my fulltime job to overthrow the non-islamic regimes and to implement sharia.’ 

H/T vladtepes

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