Monday, 26 November 2012

'Radical' Muslim Cleric Abu Usamah's Brunel University Speech Prompts Student Protest

Students at a London University have organised a protest against the planned appearance of a Muslim cleric, who has previously been accused of advocating for the murder of homosexuals.

Abu Usamah Adh Dhahabi is to appear at Brunel University as part of Legends Week, organised by the Brunel Islamic Society, on Tuesday. He is to deliver a talk on Aisha, one of Muhammed's wives.

abu usamah

Promise Phillips, president of the Union of Brunel Students (UBS), confirmed a one-hour long "peaceful protest" would be taking place on the day but said the speech would continue to go ahead.

"The UBS is aware of the visit to speak next week from Abu Usamah, and is aware of controversial comments attributed to him and the challenges these bring," he said.

"The UBS works to ensure all speakers invited onto campus are authorised, have a clear understanding of the policy umbrella under which they are required to behave, and that the commitment to Freedom of Speech is balanced by Equality and Diversity Policies.

"The UBS further maintains a No Platform Policy and each speaker invited onto campus is assessed to ensure that this policy is not breached," he added.

"In this case, the UBS has risk assessed this visit and is putting in place appropriate measures. We are working with our Islamic Society who are confident that the subject matter of the speech sits within our equality guidelines."

abu usama brunel

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