Thursday 17 January 2013

Muslim Religious Police Begin Enforcing Islamic Law in London

There are already 85 Sharia councils operating in the UK. 40% of UK Muslims have been polled as saying that they want Islamic law. 1/3 of young UK Muslims believe a Muslim who converts to another religion should be executed.

That makes what you’re seeing now inevitable. For now the so-called Muslim Patrol is resorting to petty bullying, but in Muslim countries that bullying invariably escalates to physical violence, including acid attacks.

The goal is to control the streets and to intimidate anyone venturing into an area that Muslims consider their own into recognizing that control. That is how Islamic law takes hold.

In the videos, the ‘Muslim Patrol’ is heard to say, “Alcohol banned. This is a Muslim area. Muslims patrol the area.”
One young woman, when confronted by the patrol, states, “I am appalled, this is Great Britain”, to which the authors of the video are heard to remark, “We don’t care. It’s not so Great Britain”.
The YouTube account for Muslim Patrol features a Sharia for the UK poster which is associated with Anjem Choudary, the Islamist who recently declared Sharia Zones in UK Cities. It is however unknown whether this is his project or not.

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