Tuesday, 26 March 2013

German Politician Resigns from Anti-Islam Party After Being Terrorised by Leftists

Die Freiheit (Freedom) is the German affiliate of Geert Wilders' party. One of its officials, Claus Schaffer, has resigned because he is being terrorised by anti-fascist leftists. At the weekend, they vandalised his car outside his home and stole two tyres from it.

I have always been engaged with the Civil rights party for more freedom and democracy DIE FRIEHEIT on the basis of our freedom-based democratic constitution. I have always criticised deplorables states of affairs in politics and society and draw attention to them in moderate tones and have always spoken up for increased democracy, and above all true democracy, namely one that is controlled by the people. To defy these anti-democratic forces and continue my extra-parliamentary struggle by democratic means would, I feel, be easy on my own. However, I cannot also take this decision for my family and thus impose on them this permanent burden. For this reason, I terminate my political work in the Civil rights party for more freedom and democracy DIE FREIHEIT and withdraw from all offices that I have been confided with.

I would like to thank all friends and members of FREIHEIT for their support and ask for their understanding and acceptance of my decision.

Claus Schaffer
Source: Die Freiheit Via: Quotenqueen


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