Saturday 3 November 2012

MP quits in 'worst case' of expenses scandal

DENIS MacShane has resigned as an MP after a damning report by the Commons expenses watchdog found he wrongly claimed thousands of pounds.

The former Europe minister said he wanted to take "responsibility for my mistakes" after the Standards and Privileges Committee recommended he be suspended without pay and pension for a year – the longest suspension of an MP in living memory


The Labour MP who calls himself Denis MacShane, who I call Denis MacShame, and whose real name is Denis Matyjaszek, has just had his natural dishonesty exposed yet again.

Many people involved in resisting the European Genocide or simply the Islamic aspect of it have become aware of the NUJ [National Union of Journalists] Guidelines on Race Reporting. (You can read them here). Since their introduction in the 1970s, these guidelines have stifled honest reporting on anything immigration-related and infused radical left-wing political purpose into what ought to have been an honourable task of providing people with the accurate information needed to shape their political decisions. These guidelines encourage journalists to attack and "expose" anyone who questions the benefits of non-European immigration and have led to the Sovietisation of the entire British media landscape.

Not many people know that MacShame was the one who created the NUJ Guidelines on Race Reporting in the 1970s, when he was president of the NUJ.

It should also be borne in mind that MacShame was sacked by the BBC for gross dishonesty when, while working as a reporter on a radio show, he rang in to the show, pretending to be an ordinary member of the public, to attack a Conservative minister. So MacShame had a track record of dishonesty long before he became a Labour MP. Labour knew about his dishonest background and were obviously comfortable with it, otherwise they wouldn't allowed him to represent the party.

 This is a man whose entire career has been based on systematic deceit. Unfortunately for the British people, the consequences of his deceit have been far graver than the few thousand quid he filched from the public purse. The dishonest reporting his guidelines inspired have warped democratic debate in the country, and continue to do so, with the result that everything immigration-related has been shut off from serious public scrutiny.


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