Monday 18 March 2013

Dirty White!


Recently a book was published in France called "Sale Blanc: chronique d’une haine qui n’existe pas" [Dirty White: Chronicle of a Hatred that Doesn't Exist].

Here is a promo video for the book.

At the end you see a negro rapist. As his white, blonde-haired victims sit in the courtroom, he explains that he was motivated by an anger against white people and wanted to humiliate them.

Recently a French MP wrote to the French Justice minister, Christine Taubira, asking for information about the number of anti-white racist incidents that had been recorded and the number of prosecutions that had taken place. She refused to provide it, claiming it would be unconstitutional to break down the data in that way and that she could provide only generic figures for "racist" incidents. Despite this, she has no problem providing more specific data on the number of antisemitic and anti-Muslim incidents.

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