Tuesday 9 October 2012

Muslim Persecution of Muslim Sects Comes to UK

Muslim immigration, it’s a wonderful thing. Before you know it there are curry shops, honor killings and minority Muslim sects seeking the protection of the authorities because Muslim immigration has recreated Pakistan right in Londonistan.
The community moved its headquarters to the UK in the 1980s after the Pakistani government passed a law forbidding Ahmadis from calling themselves Muslims and curbing their religious practices.
They were also hounded in Pakistan by Islamic groups that have set up UK satellite offices and are doing the same here. A leaflet distributed in Wandsworth, south-west London, this year, attributed to a group called Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat, states: “Qadianis [a pejorative term for Ahmadis] are apostate (‘Murtad’) … He should be given the punishment of a Murtad which is capital punishment.” It later makes clear: “Individuals cannot and should not administer this punishment.”
Groups however may be another matter. But we aren’t allowed to call this kind of thing savagery. Nothing savage about it at all.
This is why Muslims don’t go together with multiculturalism. When your religion can’t even get along with other versions of itself, then it really cannot hope to peacefully coexist with other religion. It just doesn’t work.
The Ahmadis fled to the UK and now that the UK has enough Muslims, they’ll have to flee the UK and eventually so will everyone who isn’t a Muslim. It’s insane for this process to keep repeating itself with no one turning out to be the wiser.
Multiculturalism with Muslims does not mean a happy community of people from different backgrounds. It means Sunnis and Shiites fighting among themselves. It means Muslims persecuting Ahmadis, bombing Jewish supermarkets, and kidnapping Sikh, Hindu and Christian girls. It recreates the same conditions that everyone who isn’t a Muslim and some who are tried to escape. And it does it in formerly civilized countries.
Last month, three Ahmadis were reportedly shot dead in 10 days in Karachi in suspected hate crimes. The most notorious attack against Ahmadis came in 2010 when co-ordinated assaults on two Lahore mosques killed scores of people. Din warned: “It’s only a matter of time until an atrocity is carried out against someone in our community here.”
No savagery to see here.

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