By: Nicolai Sennels, psychologist
Why do Muslims riot in Sweden? The short answer: For the same reason they riot every where else.
have been several attempts at explaining the carefully planned Muslim
riots and attacks around Stockholm. Poverty and lack of education are
broadcast widely as the main causes of what is called intifada in Arab
("rebellion" or "resistance").
we may see kidnappings and demands of ransom as every where else in the
world with rebelling followers of Islam, the violent Muslim men around
Stockholm have not demanded money. Nor have they expressed a wish for
free access to universities.
What we do see
is a repetition of a pattern that has appeared everywhere in history
and the world today, where large numbers of Muslims live in non-Islamic
areas: Muslims attacking authorities representing secular non-Islamic
laws - often accompanied by their religious slogan "Allahu akbar". While
Muslims embrace the rule of home-made sharia courts, patrolling Muslim
father groups and religious leaders, police and municipal institutions
are attacked still more often, as the Muslims' self confidence and power
increases with their growing presence.
is not only arrogant when well educated people with a steady income
claim that too few hours in school or too little kroner in the bank
account make people worse citizens. It reveals an immature and
one-dimensional view on we complex human beings and denies the well
known psychological fact that such powerful factors such as upbringing,
background culture and religion play a vital role in people's choices
and values.
it really was true that money makes people peaceful, all rich people
would be exemplary human beings and we should fire our armies of social
workers who work in vain to make Muslim integration happen, and give
their salaries directly to the immigrants, that seem to be just as
unhappy and ill-mannered here as in their home countries.
Islam is different
is not a normal religion, since it does not just concern inner beliefs,
but also sets the rules for how society must be ruled, including
regulations for Muslims and non-Muslims. According to the Quran,
man-made laws - democracy - is blasphemic, since only Allah's laws are
to rule on Earth. Muslims are destined to rule over infidels, who in a
Muslim society can chose between conversion, become second class
citizens (dhimmis) paying protection money (jizya) or be killed. Reading
the many hateful statements on infidels and direct orders to suppress
and kill unbelievers, one does not have to be a psychologist to
understand why Muslims rob, rape, abuse and persecute non-Muslims
everywhere, also in Sweden.
a part of Islam concerns society, Muslims are not fully able to live
according to Allah's wishes, unless society follows the guidelines in
the sharia. Islamization and jihad against the rule of unbelievers is
thus a religious duty.
surprises many in our modern, secular societies is that Muslims take
their religion so much more seriously. Death penalty for conversion,
strong social control and fear of Allah's punishment after death for the
less obedient have managed to keep Muslim culture on a medieval level
while the most of the rest of the world evolved into peaceful high tech
egalitarian societies with a much higher appreciation of knowledge than
of faith.
is no coincidence that it is the Muslims, and not any other immigrant
group, that behave in such an extraordinarily criminal way. Islam is an
unconstitutional religion that orders its followers to violate basic
human rights and commit violent crimes. No one should wish to grow up in
such culture and be forced to follow the sharia, and it would be an act
of compassion to liberate those who do.
Why do Muslims riot in Sweden? For the same reason they riot everywhere else."