Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Marble Arch Beggars Move to Park Lane

Migrants moved on from Marble Arch are now in Park Lane as London is flooded with beggars, pickpockets and prostitutes ahead of the Olympics.

It was revealed last month that "unprecedented" numbers from Romania are being shipped into the capital and dumped near the landmark.

Westminster Council claimed up to 60 people with make shift homes close to the landmark were being found each night, many had maps with a pre-allocated 'pitch' for them to work from given to them by criminal gangs in eastern Europe.

Despite being moved on it has been discovered that they are continuing to congregate in central London - with some even setting up camp in the reservation of Park Lane.

Westminster councillor Nickie Aiken said: "These people are dispersing but they are not going away. They are either camping in Park Lane or moving into South Mayfair and around Oxford Street.

"The police and council are doing all we can about this but the taxpayers are picking up the bill, mainly the cost of cleansing because they have no toilets."


Photos Here H/T Irish_Kid (UKFD) 

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